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A dentist team for all purposes!

The Zahnärzte im Achten are specialists in their field!

„Health is the sunshine of a soul.“

Edward Young

DDr. Walter Sutter

  • 1995 École secondaire Honoré-Mercier / Canada – High school certificate

  • 1996 High School Certificate BORG – Perg / Additional examinations: Latin / Geometry

  • 1997 Universidad Simon Bolivar / Venezuela / Caracas

  • 2000 Korle-Bu teaching hospital in Accra/Ghana – General Surgery

  • 2005 Doctorate in medical studies / Medical University of Vienna

  • 2010 Doctorate in dental studies / Clinic of Dentistry, Bernhard Gottlieb Dental University of Vienna

  • Until 2013, training as specialist in dental, oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery – Department leader Prof. DDr. Franz Watzinger / University Hospital St. Pölten

  • 2014 Medical chief resident Department for Cranio-maxillofacial surgery / University Hospital St. Pölten

  • 2014 until 2022 Leading chief resident and university lecturer – Center for Craniomaxillofacial surgery / Danube Private University / Krems

  • Participation in teaching and research in dental Education and postgradate Trainig for MsC Education in oral surgery and implantology

  • Research, Congress activities with several scientific publications (

  • Membership: German society for dentistry, International Association of student clinicians – American dental association, European association for Cranio-maxillofacial surgery

  • 2022 taking over office „Zahnärzte im Achten“ from Dr. Stephen Weinländer

Univ.Prof. Dr.Hady Haririan, PhD, MSc



  • November 2019
    Habilitation in the field of “Periodontology” at the Medical University of Vienna

  • 01.03.2010 –   05.05.2017
    Doctor of Philosophy (Thesis “Stress related biomarkers in human saliva and serum in periodontal health and disease”) at the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna/Austria)

  • 01.10.2010 – 14.11.2012 seit 2009
    Postgraduate Program: Master of Science (Periodontology) at the Medical University of Vienna (Vienna/Austria)

  • 01.10.2001 – 29.09.2008
    Studies in Dentistry at the Medical University of Graz (Graz/Austria)

  • 04.01.2005 – 30.06.2005
    Academic exchange program (ERASMUS) at the Faculty of Dentistry at the “René Descartes University” (Paris/France)

  • 01.08.2005 – 31.08.2005
    Internship at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery “La Timone Hospital” (Marseille/France)

  • 01.08.2007 – 31.08.2007
    Internship at the “Kasr Alaini Teaching Hospital” (Cairo/Egypt)

  • 25.01.2008 – 19.09.2008
    Curriculum Gerodontology at the Medical University of Graz (Graz/Austria)

Professional Career:

  • 01.03.2009 – 31.12.2019
    assistant at the Division of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology (University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna/Austria), 33 % time reserved for research

  • 01.06.2012 – dato
    dentist in a private practice in Vienna/Austria

  • 01.11.2008 – 28.02.2009
    dentist at the outpatient clinic of the Viennese Public Health Insurance (GKK, Vienna/Austria)

  • 2012 – dato
    board member of the Austrian Society of Periodontology

  • 2014 – dato
    Austrian delegate of the European Federation of Periodontology

  • since 1.1.2020
    Head of the Department of Periodontology at the Dental Clinic of the Sigmund Freud University of Vienna Farnusch Glanz, MPH

In seiner Tätigkeit als Vertretungsarzt

Pediatric dentistry, prevention and behavioral management

My main areas of work in the practice are

  • Tongue tie release in an interdisciplinary context
  • Caries prevention
  • Detection and treatment of enamel structure disorders, such as MIH
  • Tooth restoration under hypnosis
  • Tooth restoration under general anesthesia
My aim is to maintain and promote children’s oral health and to establish a relationship of trust between dentist and family. Farnusch Glanz, MPH
  • Lecturing activities in pre- and postgraduate education in the field of pediatric dentistry
  • Dental health workshops for expecting and young parents
  • External lecturer at the Medical University of Vienna
  • Scientific Advisory Board of the ÖGKiZ (Austrian Society for Pediatric Dentistry)
  • Associate member of the EAPD (European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry)
  • Since 2020 Head of the Vienna Pediatric Dentistry Quality Circle, together with Dr. Bettina Bauer
  • 2019 Certificate of the program “Medical Teaching Vienna” – Meduniwien
  • Since 2019 Supervision, observation and further training in the field of oral restrictions
  • 2017 Certificate of the pediatric dentistry curriculum and advanced training diploma in pediatric dentistry
  • 2016 Certificate of the nitrous oxide course according to CED guidelines
  • 2016 – 2020 Collaboration in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna
  • 2016 – 2020 Scientific collaboration with a focus on quality of life and enamel structure disorders at the University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna
  • 2012 Completion of the postgraduate course “Master of Public Health” (MPH) at the Medical University of Vienna with a focus on health promotion and prevention
  • 2009 – 2015 Employed dentist at the ÖGK Vienna and ÖGK Lower Austria, collaboration on child health projects, substitute work in private practice
  • 2009 Doctorate (Dr. med. dent.) at the Medical University of Vienna

Dr. Eva Oppolzer

med. univ.
  • Training as a specialist in dental, oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna

  • Founding member of the Austrian Society of Paediatric Dentistry

  • Certificate for hypnosis and communication awarded by the Austrian Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis

  • Interim director of the Wiener Jugendzahnklinik (Adolescent Dental Clinic Vienna)

  • Nitrous oxide course in Vienna

  • Since 1993, treatment of children and adolescents with special needs – formerly Adolescent Dental Clinic Vienna

  • Since 2001, member of the Austrian Dental Trauma Consortium

  • Since 2009, member of the Board and a teaching position at the Austrian Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Dentistry

  • Chairwoman of the Paediatric Quality Circle Vienna

  • Competence Centre for MKG-Surgery and Adolescent Dental Surgery of the Donau Hospital Vienna, main focus: treatment using hypnotic behavioural techniques

Doris Seeber

prophylaxe assistant

Marija Marjanovic

dental assistant

Sanela Stanojevic

dental assistant and prohylaxe assistant

Zeljana Miladinovic

dental assistant and reception

Contact us.

We look forward to you. Make an appointment with us by phone, email or use our contact form.